Davidson Fox has become a leader in our industry through our partnership with Panalitix, providing our team access to accounting, auditing and tax resources throughout the world. 

We also lead through technology. Our paperless operation allows us to be more productive and more flexible than those in traditional accounting environments. We can make data available to our clients without carrying around the file cabinets. Once, accounting was simply information processing. Today, computers can perform that service. You should expect more from your accounting team. You can expect Davidson Fox to be proactive, creative and innovative on your behalf.

We think ahead - for our clients and for ourselves.

Where We Are Headed

Our focus is on the horizon. Davidson Fox prides itself on being prepared, thinking ahead and leading, rather than following. We want to leverage technology to better serve our clients and to make us more effective. We provide superior research. We provide near constant availability. We can access information almost anywhere. By staying current, the next step forward isn’t an insurmountable leap. By anticipating change, the delicate balance of life and work can be honored and not toppled. We owe this to our clients and to ourselves.

How We Work

Together. Davidson Fox has evolved a team approach that truly exemplifies the character of the firm. We offer continuity in key relationships with the client, but we also provide them with a depth of knowledge via our team. We at Davidson Fox challenge and support each other, and we do the same for our clients.

What we think is important

Growth. Our clients strive for it, and so do we. We have grown steadily since our inception in 1919. We know that planning for growth, properly positioning your business, is critical. At Davidson Fox, we commit to each client relationship for the long term. And we commit to growth.

Character. We want to bring it back. Our client relationships are personal. Our work is thorough and of the highest standard. At Davidson Fox, we respect each other’s strengths and derive real joy from excelling. We are always at the other end of the phone or in the email. When we think character, we think spirited, engaged, scrupulous and, ultimately, reliable.

Community. No one works in a vacuum. To provide the best service to our clients, we need to be skilled at interfacing with other professionals, at communicating beyond the controller’s office, at forging consensus, when necessary, and at knowing the finest resources in other disciplines. Davidson Fox is well connected to other key centers of influence in the community.

Expertise. How can we exceed our clients’ expectations? They expect and deserve impeccable accounting services. We answer this challenge through recruitment – we have over 200 years of experience at the partner level, and we actively seek out specialized experience that will enhance our company. In every aspect of how we service our accounts, expertise is the bottom line.

If you resonate with our culture and are interested in joining our team, visit our JOIN OUR TEAM page for opportunities.